Sunday, 31 May 2009

Harbour scene

Picture courtesy of John Gardiner

This picture taken at low level, very low level and there is a story, shows how peaceful and tranquil the harbour is. I would like to see another photo from the same position in a few years time when it may be possible to make a comparison with what I hope will be a busy marina and this scene.

Positioning for this photo took some time and it would be fair to say, after it was taken the words photographer, wet, annoyed and amused could all be used in one sentence. If anyone was watching and had a camera it would have made a good shot.

On the subject of photography, does anyone out there have any old photo's of the harbour. I would like to borrow and scan them and use them in connection with the 'Blog' and local Heritage group. If you can help you can contact me by clicking the comment link below. Nothing will appear on this page. All comments are checked for content and will only be added to the site with the writers permission.

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