Thursday, 26 July 2012

Gurkha Plaque


We are making progress with the Gurkha Plaque

This is the latest photo of the existing and original plaque on the north wall of the harbour
July 2012

This plaque has been in place since 1987. It cannot be allowed to simply rot away, nor will it, for the Harbour Group are determined this symbolic piece of Portgordon's history will be preserved for future generations to appreciate. The Group feels it is very important that this original plaque remains in situ

The proposed additional plaque to be placed near the harbour notice board
note: the size, wording, placement, material and colours have not yet been decided
click to enlarge

The proposed information plaque to be placed below the one above
note: the size, wording, placement, material and colours have not yet been decided
This information plaque is shown well above scale size for clarity

More details including an example of how the plaques would look if sited by the notice board are available on our website which you can visit by clicking the link below

The Gurkha knife known as the Kukri or Khukuri is a symbolic weapon of the Nepalese Army. See how the Gurkhas left an 'impression' on the new harbour wall section.

Well to the right of the plaque - see how the Kukri's are represented

 A photo of the actual shield presented to the community by the Gurkhas. It was presented in 1985 after the first visit, two more visits were to follow.