Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Gala Day 2010

Portgordon Raft Race & Gala Day Sunday 25th July commencing 12noon till 5.00pm
click to enlarge
Above is the proposed layout 
Plans are afoot to include the following:

  • Raft Race

  • Children's Fancy Dress

  • Dog Agility Display

  • Music for all tastes

  • Classic cars & Motorcycles

  • Bikes from the past display

  • RAF Search & Rescue/Buckie Lifeboat combined exercise

  • Belly Dancers

  • and much more
In due course a page will be placed on the main website to give a better idea of what's on  during the day
The above list is intended as a guide only

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Chairmans Report 2010

Ron Billing - Chairman

At last Wednesdays (21st April) Annual General Meeting our Chairman gave his report on the past year and also what the future holds for the Group
The report gave a real overview of the Groups activities and progress

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Annual General Meeting Today Wednesday 21st April 2010

The AGM is today at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Portgordon
Please come along if you can. Doors open at 7.00pm

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Annual General Meeting

Don't forget the AGM is tomorrow, Wednesday 21st April, starting at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Portgordon
It's an opportunity to hear first hand where the group is heading and of course once the formalities are over then an open forum will take place for all attendees to ask questions of the management team.
It's also a chance to support the Group in its objectives and ultimate aim of regenerating the Village harbour
Please attend if you can

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Press Release 12th April 2010

click image to enlarge
This latest Press Release ahead of the Annual General Meeting (to be held in the Village Hall. Portgordon on 21st April start 7.30pm) gives a lot of detail on the present position with regards to the Regeneration Scheme - and it's all very positive

Friday, 9 April 2010

Annual General Meeting

These events are a necessary formality in any Groups calendar and are often considered boring - What I will say is I have attended many similar meetings in the past with various organsiations and I know they can get a bit tedious but, maybe I'm biased, this one will get to the point and will most of all will be an opportunity for those attending to get the true picture and a real feeling for what is happening with the Harbour Regeneration Project - so it certainly will not be boring

Please come along if you can


Will be held on
Wednesday the 21st of April 2010
at 7.30pm in the
Village Hall, Portgordon.

Everyone welcome.

Come along and hear of the progress being made with our plans for the harbour.

All nominees for office-bearer positions must be notified to the Assistant Secretary by Monday 19th April 2010.

Noel McGuile, Assistant Secretary, 1 Shore Street, Portgordon, AB56 5RW. Tel 01542 839448

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Gala Day 2010 Sunday 25th July

This promises to be the best yet so please make a note in your diaries for the event on Sunday 25th July starting at 12.00 noon and ending at 5.00 pm
Only thing we can't control is the weather although we do guarantee a warm welcome.
You may have read in the official 'Blog' that the group did consider making this a two day event but after some debate decided against it. The content is there it's just a question of resources, with manpower being the most critical
It's early days yet but plans are underway to provide something that will appeal to all ages
Please come along if you can

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Latest Website Statistics

click to enlarge

Nice to see an increase once again . Best ever viewing figure for March since the site began (please note - these figures refer to the main Harbour Group website and not this 'Blog')

Content on the 'Blog' has been in short supply recently because I've been away
I hope to start adding more in the next few days, 'though I'm still playing cartch-up with a great many things. You know how it is.